How to sell online courses

If you are a course creator then this question must have crossed your mind several times. Selling has always been one of the toughest tasks for course creators. Many of them end up earning minimum ROI. Even when they have put maximum of their energy and efforts. So, it would not be wrong to say that selling is not everyone’s cup of tea.

But if you are someone who is continuously dwelling upon the same question. If you constantly worry about selling courses online. Then I have something good to tell you. Because it’s a YES. A big yes, cause you can definitely sell your courses online. Apart from selling, you will also earn a handsome amount of money. Because selling online means reaching an unlimited number of learners. It would result in stable inflow of income throughout the year. It will also allow you to live a life that you have always dreamt of.

Steps to sell courses online

1- Choose your Niche

Before creating your online course, choose your niche. Decide on the topic that you would be creating a course on. Many course creators do not decide it in the beginning. As a result of which they could not sell their course. Because it could not provide the value that learners are looking for. So, they end up feeling that they have wasted their time in creating the course.

So, before making any other decisions, choose your niche first. Try to figure out

  • What are you good at?
  • What is something that you’re passionate about?
  • And what is something that is required in the market?

2- Choose the course format

Online courses come in all shapes and sizes. They can be long term or short term. They can be in the form of audio, video or PDF. So, decide the type of the format for your online course.

Make sure that you have a balance of visual, audio and practical methodologies. So that you learners can have a good learning experience. You can go for Spayee. It’s our personal favorite.

3- Create the course content

After deciding the course format, start working on the creation of course content. You should create at least 70% of the course content in advance before launching the course. Make sure you are recording videos through a high quality video recording camera. Because high quality videos will provide a good learning experience to your learners. You will also need a professional video editing software. You can also hire a video editor, if you don’t know how to edit videos.

4- Choose LMS platform

Choose the LMS platform where you will sell your online course. There are various platforms out there. Pick any one from them according to your wish and budget. You can also go for Spayee. It is an amazing course creating and selling platform. It’s a DIY platform. So, you can also design your own website. It allows you to design your sales page as well. So, I would suggest you create a very convincing sales page. Identify your target audience first. It will help you in writing an effective copy. Also mention how your course can help them in achieving their desired results.

When you will add your course to your chosen platform you will have to set the price for your course. Don’t keep the price too low or too high, price it wisely.

5- Launch your course

There are mainly two ways of launching an online course.

  1. A Timed Launch
  2. An Evergreen Course

A timed launch is where a learner can purchase the course within a specific time window whereas an evergreen course can be purchased by the learner at any time.

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