Computer Monitoring Software Has Answer To Everything

The market of monitoring software is so much saturated these days. There arebillion of hidden rules and regulation that one can not get rid of them if once get trapped in any wrong selection. That’s why it is necessary to get your demands and needs well sorted out before making the final selection and decision.  Today we are going to talk about one of the apps that is like a full package for all kinds of customers. Whether you need a cellphone monitoring app or a computer or tablet, want a mac version or a Windows version, need a highly luxury package or a basic one that is light on the package this spy app can work for all kinds. The name of the app is TheOneSpy and it can answer every kind of question for you. As the versatile range of features makes it a useful app in the monitoring world.

Here is the basic guide to the computer monitoring software.


The keylogging feature offered by the app lets the user have access to all the keystrokes applied on the target device.Users can know about the email id,chat details,other account ids along with their password as well. Thus use it to track any illegal activities of the suspicious employee or find out about the teen secret accounts.

Live Screen Monitoring:

Keep a  check on the screen time of the kid and monitor the assigned work progress of the employees by using the live screen monitoring feature. It let the user make a surprise visit to the target person’s screen and know about their activities. Even if you don’t have time to make live surprise visits or were unable to do it due to any reason,you can still know about the screen activities.TheOneSpy saves all the activities information in the recording andsnapshot form as well as time information.

Remote Control Of The Mic:

The spy app offers another extraordinary feature that can be useful in so many ways. Users can remotely turn on the mic of the target device thus can listen to all the surrounding chats and sounds. This can be useful to know about any official or unofficial employee meeting or if you are curious about the company of your kid.

Browsing History:

Know about the browsing history of the target person in detail, that too remotely by using the tracked browsing history feature of the computer monitoring software. This feature is extremely useful from parental control and employee monitoring perspective. As a parent must know about the web activities of the teenager and what kind of media they search on the internet. Similarly, it is necessary to assure that no employees waste time on online shopping or online games during working hours.

Geo-Location Tracking:

Assuring the safety and security of the teenager or minor kid is the first preference of any parent. Thus one can use the geolocation tracking feature of thesoftware.It let the user know about the real-time pinpoint location of the target at any given time Employer can use this feature to track the employees like a driver,delivery guys, and others.

Remote Control Camera:

Use this feature to directly watchthe surroundings of the target person. One can use remotelyuse the camera of the target device to capture the environment of the teen or employees. This feature canbe used to know about the whereabouts of the teen or any secret hideout.

Web blocking:

The best part about the computer spying software is that it not only points out the problem but also hints about the possible solution to those problems as well.In case you find any sexual or adult content in the web search box of your teen or you find out the teen watches porn then usethe web blocking feature and block all those useless sites from the target device. Use this feature to block entertainment sites such as bidding sites or online shopping brands,sports sites, etc from the employee’s devices as well, so that they focus on work in the official hours.

The app offersa customer support chat facility as well for its user. Thus if you face any kind of technical issue or wantto ask any query about the spy app then you can contact the staff.

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