Why use Tulsi in cough and cold?

People do suffer from cough and cold from time to time. But what if one suffers from it consistently? Well, according to many one can always fall back to home remedies. One can always make themselves a cup of hot tea along with tulsi and ginger in it. Sometimes one also puts in cardamom and black pepper as they are good for throat.

One can use tulsi for cough and cold because it is an age old natural remedy and this one is very much effective. In fact, a lot of Ayurvedic cough syrups include tulsi as a major ingredient in the preparation. Apart from that, one can add adulsa, black pepper and cardamom. When one has cough syrups which has natural elements like these then it can reduce the amount of phlegm in an individual.

If one is wondering why tulsi is so mandatory in treating cough and cold then here are some major reasons for it:

  • As per many research, it is said that the extracts of Tulsi which is also known as the holy basil can keep the bronchial airway passage of a human being clear. Hence if there is congestion because of cough, then it gets cleared away.
  • Tulsi is a very ancient herb which has very positive reactions on the respiratory system of an individual. Holy Basil can easily liquefy the phlegm which has been accumulated and this can also reduce the cough which happens because of asthma, allergic asthma and other lung issues. Each and every part of Tulsi is useful like its roots, seeds and leaves as all of them have medicinal values. In fact, they can be used for both external and internal treatments.
  • For many years, tulsi has been used in order to treat sore throat along with cough and cold. As per studies, one can boil water with some tulsi leaves in it and with that one can soothe a sore throat. Tulsi leaves are said to work as an adaptogen which s a substance that can counteract with the effects caused by stress in the body. In fact, it can treat well infectious stress.
  • If one is suffering from minor throat infection, then one can inhale the steam of hot water with tulsi leaves. This can be very effective for children. In fact, it is more effective than just taking steam from hot water. Tulsi leaves have anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties which can help one to get relief.
  • One can also consume tulsi leaves in an empty stomach every day morning. This can help them to improve their immunity level and it can also clear the stomach. Hence those who are suffering from constipation, this can help as a relief.
  • When one is suffering from high fever, they can extract the juice from tulsi leaves and consume it because it is effective in bringing down the temperature.

There are many tulsi leaf benefits for cough and this natural remedy hardly has any sort of side effects.

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