How To Sell Ringtones Online (and Make Money)?

If you dream to make fame in the mobile industry and you have a knack for music, then you try making ringtones of your own. Ringtones are the short audio files that signal an incoming call. These ringtones can be anything. They can be a tone of music or a famous song. There are many different types of ringtones that trend. Take the example of the ringtone of Apple. 

Today, the ringtone of apple is well cemented in the minds of people and they have started to associate the brand image of apple along with the ringtone itself. Such is the power of a ringtone. The sudden rise of the number of mobiles has led to a greater market of ringtones in the digital era. People want new and innovative ringtones for their mobiles. 

Ringtones are also a good way of earning money because artists can sell ringtones online. By selling these ringtones online, you make the ringtone available in the market for others to use in exchange for a certain amount of money. If the ringtones are loved by people, you can easily generate huge money. 

While you do not have to be an artist necessarily to make a ringtone, one of the easiest and best ways for artists to make money is to sell ringtones on iTunes. Not only is this form of easy money, but it will also help you to establish yourself as a brand in the market and the more people like your music, the more audience will you generate for future pieces and label. 

Upload music to iTunes to earn money 

There are various platforms to upload your ringtone and make money. you can get your music on Apple Music and earn revenue if your ringtone is loved by people. This can be the first step taken by you towards progress and the desired fame. However, there are many things to consider before uploading the tone on the platforms. 

Issues like ownership, revenue, etc often arise. That is why it is best advised to consider the services of a music distributor. A music distributor ensures that all of your revenue is safe and your ringtone is spread on all the major music platforms of the world. While this is true, finding a good music distributor is in itself a task.

If you are in search of a music distributor, then your search ends at MusicDigi. They are in the list of finest music distributors and rightly so, the process of uploading music is made so simple by them that even your cat can do it. All you are required to do is first, make a MusicDigi account and take a yearly membership. 

The cost of these memberships is very less, considering the budget of the new artists. Then, you are supposed to upload the file and cover art in the desired format. And with that, your part is over and now then the platform will perform its magic. It will spread your art across all the music platforms of the world.


The journey of something big starts small and if you want to be a successful artist in the music industry, making ringtones is not a bad option. 

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