Tips on Writing A narrative Essay

How to start a narrative essay can be challenging as it is the recording of personal stuff. Further, in the narrative essay, the writer depicts his real-life experience. Everyone loves enjoying a good story capturing the imagination. Likewise, the writer writes in his personal space with the context of a larger theme apart from the lessons learned. When planning to write essay for me, you must keep in mind that there must be a good story with meaning in it.

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Tips on writing a narrative essay

  1. Think of the topic

On how to start a narrative essay, students are free to choose any topic for a narrative essay. Likewise, the students must keep the plot short with the story being specific. Choose only 2 to 3 characters and build the whole essay around them. The more characters in the story, the more confusing it will be for the readers.

  1. Introduction and body of the narrative essay

Introduction plays such a crucial role to spark the attention of the readers. Make the opening statement to be as enticing as possible. When it comes to the body, describe all the elements fully. The topic sentence is the squeezed introduction of the body pointing to the thesis statement.

Keep the standard word count of 500 with 100 words in each paragraph. Furthermore, keep the conclusion as brief as possible. The transition phrases should be easy and simple to understand.

  1. Leave a good impression in the end

When you write an essay for me, wrap it up with a good conclusion by making the readers understand what you are trying to say. Rephrase the words using different words. Add at least 2-3 words as CTA with the primary purpose carried out additionally. The people after reading the narrative essay must have a sweet aftertaste.

Some other general tips

  1. Take some time for revision

After writing an excellent paper, but the time to give it the last thought. Further, read the same with fresh thinking and imagination. Even if you make the mistakes, you will be able to spot the same again.

  1. Publishing of the narrative

Sharing a narrative essay can be both exciting and fearful at the same time. Besides, since it is the first encounter of the student, he is not sure whether the class will like his work or not. The important thing is only learning from the experiences and use the feedback to make the next essay even better.


Writing narrative essays is an imagination of the writers with its critical thinking and command of language. Likewise, if you don’t have any personal experiences also, it might be hard to do it appealingly. If you are given to write a narrative essay, use the best tips with a website like Content Sharp. It gives the best essay writing services and you will not regret using the service!

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