5 Tips for Getting a Great Night’s Sleep

Everyone has trouble sleeping from time to time. If poor sleep is something you’re struggling with, there are many things you can try on your own. We’ve listed some of them below. You can think of them as “sleep hygiene” tips or simple lifestyle changes, but the answer to your problem might be right here, just waiting for you to try it. Try each suggestion on its own, for a week or two, and see how you feel. If you try everything at once, you won’t know which suggestion works best for you.

1. Be More Active During the Day

Poor sleep can put you on a hamster wheel of fatigue and insomnia. When you’ve tossed and turned all night, there’s no helping it: you’re going to be tired the next day. The bad news is that your low energy is likely to keep you less active. Maybe you’ll skip the gym or drive to work when you’d normally bike. Either way, that lack of activity can make your insomnia worse.

Even if you’re tired, try to get some mild exercise each day. Go for a short walk on your lunch break or do some simple stretches when you get home from work. Even a little bit of movement can make a difference.

2. Avoid Caffeine Late in the Day

A lot of people who miss out on sleep will reach for caffeine to help them keep up with their activities the next day. But caffeine can last for hours in the body and prevent proper sleep in the evening. Which means you’re in for more of the same the next day. If you feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of poor sleep, caffeine dependence, and more sleeplessness, you might be able to find a solution that provides you with energy but doesn’t keep you up all night. Mitragyna speciosa—commonly known as kratom—is one option.

Some strains of kratom, though they’re similar to coffee, can help give you a boost of energy for a short time. The good news is that kratom usually wears off after about three hours and helps you avoid the “jittery” feeling caffeine can cause.

Kratom is a leaf from a tropical evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia. This tree, from the coffee family, has been used for its mood effects since the 1800s. You could start by looking for a less potent strain of kratom. White kratom, for instance, is the strain most often used for a slight energy boost.

3. Find a Way to Relax Before Bed

Anyone who’s tried to wind down after a stressful day knows that it’s easier said than done. A strain of kratom called red maeng da is sometimes used for sleep because of its relaxing properties.

All kratom is from the same tree. The amount of development the leaves achieve in the sun gives them their different properties along with their different names. Red maeng da is a red vein strain of kratom. The red refers to the veins on the leaf. Red vein kratom is among the strongest strains because it’s the most developed.

People have reported that red maeng da provides an overall feeling of relaxation and wellness. If red maeng da works for you, that feeling of calm may make it easier for you to de-stress before bed.

4. Try Going to Bed Earlier

One of the worst things about fitful sleep is the creeping dread you feel as you watch the hours go by. You know you’ll have to get up soon and you know you’re going to feel unrested. If this is a feeling you’re familiar with, going to bed earlier may help. You don’t have to do it forever. But a change in routine has the ability to shake us out of our bad habits.

When you go to bed earlier, not only does your evening routine change but you also have more time to sleep overall. If you feel pressure to fall asleep instantly and get anxious if you don’t, that extra time can help you avoid feelings of panic or stress. You may also find that you wake up earlier, leaving you truly ready for bed when the next evening rolls around.

If, after a few days, you find that a bit of extra time to fall asleep is helpful for you, this would be a great habit to combine with Tip #2. A little longer to fall asleep combined with avoiding stimulants to help you to de-stress could be a potent combination to improve your sleep habits.

5. Create a Comfy Space

Our bedrooms affect our mental health and our sleep more than you may think. Ideally, a bedroom should be quiet, cool, and clean. Of course, most of us don’t live in an ideal world. We have roommates or pets or children (or all three) that can cause unwanted noise or clutter. We may not be able to keep our rooms at the sleep-expert recommended 65 degrees. If you truly are losing sleep, though, try to carve out some space for yourself that checks some of these boxes. Even if it’s a set of earplugs near the bed and a fan, a change in your environment could help a lot.

Know What You’re Getting

Supplements are a common solution for sleep issues, but because there are different strains, doses, and methods of taking the supplements, you really need to trust your supplier. If you’re trying kratom for the first time, capsules are nice because they’re pre-measured. You also don’t need to worry about kratom’s notorious bitterness.

If you decide to try any solutions listed here, such as red maeng da for sleep, look for a place with a lot of information on its website. Club13 Herbals, for example, has information on the various strains and doses available. They also have a blog where you can learn more before you make any decisions. The answer to your sleeplessness could be waiting for you, but make sure you know what you’re getting and don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Meta description: If poor sleep is something you’re struggling with, there are many things you can try. Be active, avoid caffeine, take relaxing supplements, like red maeng da for sleep.

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