7 Valid Reasons to Redesign Your eCommerce Website: Expert Views

Making an eCommerce website isn’t an easy task even after investing thousands in it, the idea of redesigning a website wouldn’t come into one’s mind so easily. It takes a lot of effort and redesign of the website.

But, there can be some exceptions, If you came to know that there are some issues on your website that cannot be fixed without redesigning the whole website, then redesigning should come into consideration. Websites play a very crucial role in the growth and development of any online store.

If you thinking of redesigning a website, don’t take a blind step try to consult with the professionals providing Custom eCommerce Website Development Services, for the betterment of the website.

But first, before perusing towards redesigning your website,  try to find out the most valid reasons to redesign your eCommerce website.

1. Receiving Unacceptable Bounce Rate And Returns

Google Analytics is a tool that provides various important insights for marketing. The basic problem that businesses might encounter with this tool is that it sometimes does not show the stats in their favor.

Some problems of high bounce rate, poor conversion, low returns, and digital marketing efforts have failed to turn up with a feasible solution, but now it’s time to Check your website for the improvement of these parameters. 

The figures that will be provided by Google Analytics will help you in defining the problematic areas of the current website. For problems like low average visitor duration, poor search engine results, and high exit rates, you have to redesign your website with some specific elements.

 2. Not suitable design for The Target Audience 

If your current website keeps on failing at addressing the purchase intent and consumer sentiment, a redesign is a viable solution. The actual problem is with your website’s structure if you know that the content is correct. To meet your business objectives and consumer expectations, you have to convey your unique value proposition and brand message in the new design.

3. Outdated Design and Technology

A website that lacks sensitivity results in low conversion rates despite high traffic. Only a simple or scalable design can help you in fixing that. Along with various factors, there are various other features that an outdated design lacks and can harm your business in the following ways:

  • It will drop your eCommerce sales
  • Disturb the experience of the customers.

To fix these occurring issues, there’s only one solution, i.e., to upgrade to the latest design trends. 

4. The Design Is Not Mobile Friendly

 Working on mobile phones is like playing with toys nowadays. Every single thing is done on mobile phones from online shopping to paying bills.

When it comes to online shopping customers are way too picky about things. If you are working on a website that is not mobile-friendly, you are probably missing a large number of buyers in your store, those who are interested in purchasing your products or services. To ensure mobile compatibility, you will need to redesign and optimize your eCommerce store. You can also take help from professionals proving custom eCommerce website development services for better results.

5. Effect on  Content Strategy

Content strategy is one of the essential elements to drive sales in eCommerce. Websites that are carrying good content will help in providing relevant information with the help of different means like doing text, images, and videos on every page.

Content planning is way wider than you expect. To create powerful content that drives conversion, the design of the website also plays a crucial role in it. 

When your website’s design isn’t flexible enough to adapt to different content strategies, the completion of your buyer’s journey won’t be so smooth. To resolve this problem, you have to redesign your website to support your content strategy. 

6. Increase in the Load Time

One of the major problems that all business websites face is that users want a website to load quickly on any device irrespective of the network speed.

Users are way too picky about their product purchasing, a website that takes forever to load, users leave those sites within a second. A survey was conducted which shows the bounce rate is somehow related to the load time of your website.

The better the load time of the website, the more there will be traffic on your website. It’s in your hand to make better the loading time of your website.

7. Non-Marketing friendly Design

If an eCommerce store can cost you beyond ease due to complete dependence on paid marketing, then the better option is to shift towards SEO for more economical and better results. To implement that first, you have to make your eCommerce store suitable for SEO benefits.

Most people think SEO is done after development but in reality, it all starts during web development. So, expecting full SEO benefits later is impractical.

From an SEO point of view, you need a redesign  your current store:

  • limited options for the main content of an eCommerce website
  • no control for optimizing details of product images
  • unfriendly URLs structure

To Sum-Up

Redesigning your eCommerce website is quite a possible solution to most of the problems mentioned above, especially when you are dealing with several of them. If you have a flexible budget and can consult professional web designers from custom eCommerce website development in India.

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